MPTAAS Scholarship:- The cost of education is very high in this day and age. There are a number of students who cannot afford the expenses associated with their education. Many students are unable to pursue their education due to their unfavorable financial situation.
The government provides scholarships in hopes of helping students achieve their educational goals. The government has set up scholarships for the benefit of students.
Today, we are going to discuss one such program that is offered by the government of Madhya Pradesh, and its name is the Madhya Pradesh Tribal Affairs Automation System MPTAAS Scholarship.
This article contains information about the scheme that is detailed enough for a native of the state of MP to understand it. We will also highlight the eligibility requirements, and documents that are needed, and go over any other important details stated further on in the content.
MPTAAS Scholarship 2024

Automation of Tribal Affairs in the State of Madhya Pradesh The Tribal Affairs and Scheduled Castes Welfare Department is responsible for administering the MPTAAS Scholarship Programme. As part of this program, students who finish their education successfully will be able to get financial rewards.
Beneficiaries will get their money by having it deposited directly into their own bank accounts. Students from Madhya Pradesh who are currently enrolled in the eleventh or twelfth grade, as well as students who are working toward a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree are eligible to apply.
The government has opened the official portal for the purpose of reviving the scholarship form to apply for the MP Tass Scholarship, i.e., now you will not be taking any kind of donation for using the MP Tass Scholarship form and it is entirely free of charge.
Students in their first to the final year of an undergraduate or graduate degree enrolled in a variety of programs such as BA, BSc, BCom, BTech, MSc, MCom, any MTech Nursing courses, MBA, and so on.
Under the MP Tass Scholarship 2024, these students can be found on the official website. Interested students can submit applications by going to the official website.
MPTAAS Scholarship Benefits
For class 11 and 12, the total is Rs 230 for scholars and Rs 380 for hostels. Graduate level courses not included in first and second group like B.Work, B.Sc, B.A. For UG/ PG(business courses) like Nursing, Pharmacy, and LLB the total fee is Rs 530/ for scholars and Rs 820/ for Hostellers. The total stipend for scholars of medicine, engineering, management, M.Phil., Ph.D., UG, PG is 550/ and hostel 1500/9.
Eligibility Criteria for Scholarship
The applicant should be a citizen of India and resident in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The application requires enrollment in a school that offers 11th and 12th grades, as well as a bachelor’s or Ph.D. level systems. The applicant must fall under SC or ST category Read More